因为疫情原因,美国英特佩斯控制系统有限公司在线上举行了2020 USA Digital Tech Days,讨论了众多课题,如下视频就是其中一些,欢迎大家观看。

1、Remote Over-The-Air (OTA) ECU and FleetTest Vehicles Flashing

2、We got all the data… NOW WHAT! Automated Analysis of Data with Integrated Post Anaysis (IPA) and DataSpy

3、Analog IO with Intrepid’s RAD IO 2 Series_An Open System for Analog IO

4、Ethernet Connections in VSpy — Quickly create and work with UDP and TCP ClientServer connections

5、Remote Over-The-Air (OTA) ECU and FleetTest Vehicles Flashing

6、Making Networks “Play Nice With Each Other” — How to program a custom gateway without spending $20K+

7、Amazon AWS IoT Connected vehicles for low cost data capture

8、Wait! I Only Have a 1TB Drive!! Welcome to the Age of Autonomous Vehicle Logging

9、Empowering Vehicle Spy Scripting with Embedded CCIF and build an IoT application for neoOBD2 DEV

10、Vehicle Spy Can Control Your Test Too! Instrument Control using VSpy

11、Data Mining in Python Using Intrepid Control Systems Integrated Post Analysis

12、Testing Challenges with Autonomous driving – The RAW facts on Disengagements
